New? Start Here.
It can be a little overwhelming to know where to start with attunements when you are a beginner. Therefore, before I give my recommendations for appropriate attunements for beginners, I recommend reading the New To Attunements? Start Here blog post. It is an excellent resource of information that covers everything you need to know about attunements.
While many of the distant attunements I have created are suitable for beginners, the attunements that I consider for beginners are easy to work with and have no symbols or unnecessary and complicated procedures. In addition, these attunements offer a good grounding in energy healing and topics that may be a good starting point.
Some attunements for beginners are complete modalities, which will give a good grounding in the structuring of energy healing. At the same time, some are more specific to a topic of interest or focus. However, advanced energy healing practitioners can also use all attunements I recommend for complete beginners. They are not in any way inferior to more advanced attunements and are more than capable of providing profound and enhanced spiritual development.
To get a good grounding and understanding of energy healing practice, I recommend starting with Blissful Light Reiki. It gives an excellent grounding in and understanding of energy healing. In addition, the energies are very supportive and have a broad application of use.
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