blissful light attunements and treatments


Oneness attunements aim to assist in experiencing and working with oneness. Oneness is a fundamental concept of energy healing. We are all one, meaning that you acknowledge that you are one with all. It is what equality is based on and is part of the five essential qualities of an energy healer. Spiritually, working with oneness may accelerate your development, enhance moments of enlightenment and reduce ego. In addition, it is an excellent way better to understand yourself and the spiritual world around you. You may also be interested in spiritual awareness attunements.


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11 products

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Ultimate Spiritual Sacred Heart Chakra Enhancement Treatment
Arcturian Spiritual Karmic Release Healing Niemakaiha attunement
Niemakaiha 639 attunement
Niemakaiha 639 Sale price£ 19.99 GBP
Niemakaiha Stellar Gateway Chakra Activation
Dynamic 999 Energy Connections Maintenance Attunement
Divine Cosmic Womb Unity Maintenance Attunement
Angels Of Shamanism Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Ascension 999 Spiritual High Integration attunement
Crown Chakra Activation Maintenance Attunement
6666 Angel Number Manifestation Maintenance Attunement

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