blissful light attunements and treatments

Psychic Development

Psychic development attunements aim to assist in developing intuition, spiritual insights, and psychic gift abilities. The psychic development attunements may focus on clearing things that may be blocking intuition and strengthening connections with spirit to help boost your psychic development. Developing your intuition and psychic abilities will take practice. However, attunements may be able to assist you in this process. You may be interested in the Top Psychic Development Attunements blog post.

Additional Psychic Development Attunement Categories: Akashic Record Attunements / Ascension Attunements / Clair Senses Attunements / Divination AttunementsEnlightenment Attunements / Intuition AttunementsSpiritual Gifts AttunementsSpiritual Knowledge Attunements / Telepathy AttunementsThird Eye Attunements 


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49 products

Archangel Raphael Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Archangel Muriel Connection Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Fairy Connections Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Throat Chakra Activation Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Archangel Gabriel Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Archangel Uriel Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Crown Chakra Activation Maintenance Attunement
Sacred Etheric Pyramid Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Dynamic Healing Mandala Maintenance Attunement
Quantum Quattro Realignment Empowerment attunement
Sacred Etheric Crystal Atlantean Cross Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Siri Nyoka Renewal Empowerment, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Siri Nyoka Renewal Empowerment Sale price£ 9.99 GBP
Gaia Shakti Of Water Healing Connection Maintenance Attunement
Gaia Shakti Of Water Healing Connection Maintenance Attunement Sale price£ 9.99 GBP Regular price£ 19.99 GBP
Dynamic Elements Connections Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Dynamic Atlantean Connections Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Violet Flame Opal Transmutation Empowerment, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Dynamic Mercury Connections Maintenance Attunement

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