Distant attunements (What are attunements?) are wonderful tools that allow you to work more efficiently with energies used in energy healing and spiritual development. Attunements are designed to provide you with the frequencies of energies that are specific to achieving the outcome you want. As an example, an attunement that is designed to clear negative energies from your aura will connect you with the frequencies of energies that are very good at clearing the aura. There is an infinite number of energies that can be accessed through working with attunements. But what can I be attuned to?
What Can I Be Attuned To?
In theory, you can be attuned to any energy. This is where things can get exciting as everything is energy. So you can attune to energy ranges, energy beings (caution should always be used with this), mantras, energetic symbolism, energies associated with things and meanings etc.
As an example, you may see attunements to unicorns. This may sound crazy and even fraudulent to some who do not believe in them. So how on earth can you legitimately attune to the energies of a unicorn if you do not believe in them? Well, you can attune to the qualities associated with a unicorn - love, magic, hope etc. even if you believe unicorns exist or not. These qualities have their energy ranges which may be beneficial for you when you access them.
Energetic Connections
Energetic connections are any attunements that aim to connect you with the qualities of a specific object, being, quality, or thing. Energetic connections are very popular as they tend to be practical and are easier to use as qualities tend to be more flexible in their uses.
Here are some of the most popular categories of energetic connection attunements that give a good idea of what is possible with attunements:
Angelic connections aim to connect you with the energies, qualities, aspects, attributes etc. of the angelic realms. The angelic realms may include specific angels, archangels, seraphs, groups of angels, specific angelic realms etc. Angelic connections are very popular due to the loving and supportive energies that tend to come from an angelic connection. The Angelic Connections Maintenance Attunement is a great attunement to consider when working with angelic energies.
Ascended masters connections aim to connect you to the energies, qualities, aspects, teachings etc. of the ascended masters. Similar to the angelic connections, this may be specific ascended masters such as Quan Yin or groups of ascended masters, their teachings etc. Ascended master connections are very popular when working on spiritual growth and development. The Dynamic Ascended Master Connections Maintenance Attunement is a great attunement to consider when working with the ascended masters.
Atlantean and Lemurian connections aim to connect you with the energies, qualities, teachings and spiritual libraries of Atlantis and Lemuria. These connections may be in a general sense or to specific beings associated with Atlantis and Lemuria. Working with these connections may assist with spiritual learnings and ascension. The Dynamic Atlantean Connections Maintenance Attunement is a great attunement to consider for Atlantean energetic connections.
Cosmic connections aim to connect you with the energies and qualities associated with the heavenly realms, planets, stars, cosmos etc. These connections may be to the qualities of the planets or energies associated with cycles that may have an effect on our planet such as the moon. These connections are often beneficial for certain ritual practices. The Celestial Objects Connections Maintenance Attunement is a great attunement to consider when working with the planets and celestial objects.
Crystal connections aim to connect you to the energies and qualities of specific crystals and rocks. Each crystal has a unique frequency that may have healing, teaching, and protective qualities. This is a very popular category of energetic connections that every healer should have in their healing toolbox. The Dynamic Ethereal Crystal Connections Maintenance Attunement is a great attunement to consider when working with the crystal energies.
Connections to deities aim to connect you to the energies, qualities, and teachings of deities, gods, goddesses etc. These connections tend to be steeped in history or mythology. The uses of these connections will be dependent on the qualities of the deity you are connecting with. You should be cautious about randomly connecting with deities though as not all deities are created equal, and some are not supportive or maybe who they say they are.
Dragon connections aim to connect you to the energies and qualities of specific dragons. Dragon connections are useful in general healing, protection, and spiritual work. The Dynamic Dragon Connections Maintenance Attunement is a great attunement to consider when working with dragon energies.
Elemental connections aim to connect you with the energies and qualities associated with the elements of water, fire, wind, earth etc. The elements can be very useful when working with rituals, shamanic practices, transitions in life etc. They aim to bring a closer connection to the world around you. The Dynamic Elements Connections Maintenance Attunements aims to provide safe energetic connections to the elements.
Egyptian connections aim to connect you with the teachings, energies, qualities, and practices of Ancient Egypt. These connections tend to combine connections with deities and the elements. These types of connections are very popular due to the types of energies and fascination with this area of spiritual practice.
Faery connections aim to connect you with the energies, qualities, and teachings of the faeries. This may be connections to specific faeries or the fairy realms. Each faery generally has a function or area of expertise. Faery connections are great for ritual work, healing and even creative projects. I recommend the Dynamic Fairy Connections Maintenance Attunement for safe energetic connections with fairies of light and their qualities.
Connections to mother earth and nature aim to connect you with the energies, qualities, and teachings of mother earth, Gaia and different aspects of nature. These connections are popular to connect back with nature, shamanic practice, and healing both people and our planet
Plant connections aim to connect you to the energies, qualities and healing aspects of specific plants. This may be in the form of a direct connection or a healing aspect such as tinctures, flower essence, aromatherapy etc. These are great to add to any healers toolbox.
Power animal connections aim to connect you to the energies and qualities of power animals or even to your very own power animals. Power animals tend to come into your life at keys times to offer guidance, support, and teachings. These connections may be good for shamanic work, moving forward and healing.
These are just a few of the most popular energetic connection categories used in attunements. There are much more, but this list gives a good idea of the varied range of possibilities. It is not important whether you believe in the being or object you are connecting with, but rather their qualities and energies associated with the being are really what your focus should be on.