Distant Energy Healing Treatment

Vibration Increase Treatment

SKU: DT-VIT-200710
Sale price£ 19.99 GBP

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Your treatment will be performed by Craig, the founder of Blissful Light.

The Vibration Increase Treatment is an advanced, special energy healing treatment aiming to raise your vibration by reminding you of who you are – a divine, eternal, expansive energy being.

When you genuinely remember this, you know that you are not just a creation but also the creator. This remembrance helps you to realise that you can create your reality simply by raising your vibration. You are already a whole and perfect being; you just need to energetically remember this.

The Vibration Increase Treatment uses different advanced techniques to increase your vibration to your highest energetic expression. You will energetically experience this and have a knowing (remembrance) following the session. Every time you remind yourself of your true self, you will immediately energetically remember this, also.

This session takes a very different approach to healing. You will have heard that you are your healer; however, using this technique, there is nothing to heal as you are already pure and whole.

The treatment is completed by ensuring your energies are grounded and balanced.

If you would like to combine what is included in the Vibration Increase Treatment and include a thorough, energetic clearing and expansion, please consider the Ultimate Vibration Increase Treatment.

The Vibration Increase Treatment requirements:

What may I gain from this treatment?

  • Increased energetic vibration.
  • Spiritual realignment.
  • Hold more light energy.
  • Increased self-empowerment.
  • Energetic grounding and balancing.
  • Good energetic hygiene practice.

What is included?

  • Distant Vibration Increase Treatment.
  • There is no treatment pre-scheduling. Following you emailing me letting me know you are ready for your treatment, I will complete the treatment as soon as possible without scheduling a date or time. This allows me to work on your energies while in a natural state and in divine timing, which is essential for the treatment.
  • Relevant feedback of up to 100 words.

Please consult our Help Centre or contact me for more information.

Learn to do this treatment yourself

Energy healing treatments should be viewed as energetic assistance to the work that you are currently doing. They give you assistance at that moment; however, treatments are one-off events. If you are working towards an energetic or spiritual goal, you may require ongoing energetic support. If this is the case, you should consider attunements. An attunement is an energetic tool that you can use as often as you like over a long period of time.

This treatment is in the following categories: Energy Healing Treatments, Raise Your Vibration, Store

Energetic Support

High Vibration Energies

The Vibration Increase Treatment aims to provide energetic support and assist spiritual growth and development. The treatment is provided in a safe, high-vibration, and advanced way to support, nurture and enhance your energies.

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know

Everything you need to know about booking a distant energy healing treatment with Blissful Light.

Order Process FAQ

Our treatment order process is designed to be comprehensive and support your energy healing treatment.

Above, you can find the complete order process, including additional information on how to prepare for your treatment and what to expect following your treatment.

These are some of the most commonly asked questions.

Blissful Light is open Monday to Friday: 9am-12pm (Excluding public holidays).We are based in the United Kingdom.

Friendly support

Welcoming environment

High Vibration

Safe advanced energies

Secure payment

Major payment methods accepted