Distant Energy Healing Treatment
Ultimate Shamanic Spiritual Breath Treatment
Your treatment will be performed by Craig, the founder of Blissful Light.
The distant Ultimate Shamanic Spiritual Breath Treatment aims to support, stabilise, and strengthen your life force flow, inner energy, and the connection between you and the spiritual world.
The treatment aims to enhance your flow of life force energy. This is done by connecting with the energies associated with Mother Earth and the cosmos. This balanced energy is brought into your energy and energy bodies while also strengthening your connection with the spirit world.
The energies of this treatment are also purifying, aiming to allow for a deep clearing and revitalisation of your energies. This may result in better awareness of the spirit world around you.
This treatment should be considered an advanced enhancement to the spiritual or shamanic development you have already achieved, where you want to enhance and develop it further.
The Ultimate Shamanic Spiritual Breath Treatment aims to include the following:
- Raise your vibration.
- Deep clearing, healing, repairing, and balancing of your energies and all energy bodies.
- Increase the amount of high-vibration light energy your energy bodies hold.
- Strengthen higher self-connections.
- Strong connections with Mother Earth, nature and the cosmos.
- Strengthen awareness of interconnectivity and oneness.
- Enhanced energy inflow and outflow.
- Deep energetic clearing and purification of your energies.
- Improved life force energy flow, integration, and consolidation.
- Balanced and consistent energy flows within your energy bodies.
- Enhanced awareness of the spirit world around you.
- Strengthen connections with spirit and spirit guides.
- Blessings of ongoing energy flow, purification, and spirit-world connections.
- Energetic grounding and protection.
This treatment will only clear the energies you are ready to release. It will not remove your connections to spirit or any energy healing modalities you are attuned to or work with. It aligns with your higher self.
The Ultimate Shamanic Spiritual Breath Treatment requirements:
- If you are ill or unwell, you must first seek proper medical care.
- Please read below for more details on when treatments are not recommended.
- This is an advanced treatment; you must have energy healing or spiritual practice experience.
- Work with the 5 essential qualities of an energy healer.
- Understand that healing is a process that requires active participation.
- An open heart and a commitment to your self-empowerment and growth.
- Realistic expectations of what is possible.
- Some quiet time to take in and work with the energies.
- It is not possible to add anything to or change the focus of this treatment.
- You understand and accept these requirements, energy healing treatment order process, and terms.
What is included?
- Ultimate Shamanic Spiritual Breath Treatment.
- There is no treatment pre-scheduling. Following you emailing me letting me know you are ready for your treatment, I will complete the treatment as soon as possible without scheduling a date or time. This allows me to work on your energies while in a natural state and in divine timing, which is essential for the treatment.
- Relevant feedback of up to 200 words.
Please consult our Help Centre or contact me for more information.
All treatments are provided to assist your spiritual development. However, there are some situations where treatments are not recommended. This is primarily due to your energies being in flux, unbalanced, and not being able to work with focused intention and insights.
When consistently unfocused intentions or fluctuating energies occur, gaining long-lasting potential benefits from treatments becomes incredibly challenging. Therefore, please do not purchase a treatment if any of the following may apply.
Your energies must be relatively balanced to consider a treatment. This is due to the focused, consistently balanced, and high-vibration intention required by energy healing requires.
With this in mind, if your energies, emotions, or thoughts fluctuate, are very unbalanced, intense, or extreme, you should not consider this treatment.
Likewise, this also includes any state that is not what could be regarded as normal or prevents you from functioning in everyday life. This may include any shifts in consciousness, timelines, realities, hearing intrusive negative voices, visions that cannot be separated from reality, etc.
If you feel under constant spiritual attack and are paranoid and intensely focused on others, entities, or other beings, this spiritual development focused treatment should not be considered.
You should consult appropriate professional support if any of this is the case.
If you energetically attack, blame others for your actions, are rude and disrespectful, and practice anything not of the light, this treatment is not for you.
This treatment focuses on your spiritual development, which requires you to have the appropriate spiritual maturity and expectations to work on yourself with time, focus and support if needed.
You must have the spiritual maturity to work with insights and feedback, take accountability for your actions and take a broader spiritual view and approach. Flexibility and a desire to learn, grow and discover are essential.
If you demand an immediate and urgent treatment, this treatment is not for you. Working with spiritually focused energy healing should never be applied in urgency. This energetic imbalance will not likely give you time to work through spiritual discoveries and development opportunities. This treatment is provided for spiritual development and not energetic emergencies.
Only work with treatments or energies that deeply resonate with you, your intuition, etc. Never work with energy healing treatments just because someone has told you you have an energetic problem. Always work from your intuition and guidance. If it completely resonates, then take it slow. If you are not sure, then wait until you have more clarity.
This treatment is in the following categories: Energy Healing Treatments, Life Force, Shamanic, Store, Ultimate Treatments

Energetic Support
High Vibration Energies
The Ultimate Shamanic Spiritual Breath Treatment aims to provide energetic support and assist spiritual growth and development. The treatment is provided in a safe, high-vibration, and advanced way to support, nurture and enhance your energies.
Yes, the Ultimate Shamanic Spiritual Breath Treatment is high-vibration, of the light, and completely aligned with your higher self. This means your higher self is in complete control of what is done in the treatment.
All treatments are completed at the potential level. Therefore, you can be assured of safe energies at the potential level, which is very high.
In addition, I follow our Code Of Ethics when completing treatments.
Treatments are a one-off energetic practice. This means the treatment focuses on what the treatment is designed to provide but does not give continuous ongoing energetic support in the same way as an attunement does.
Treatments should be considered when you have been working on a focus and want energetic support. Treatments may also give a second view or assistance in reaching your energetic or spiritual goals or of your energies and any possible energetic issues.
If you want ongoing energetic support, you can purchase multiple treatments or should consider attunements. Attunements are energetic tools that can be used on an ongoing basis.
All the treatments I provide can be done regularly. This means you can have treatments daily.
You can order the Ultimate Shamanic Spiritual Breath Treatment as often as you like. There is no limit to the number of times you can have the same treatment. However, you should work through things before the next treatment.
No, I do not require a photo to complete the treatment. I have all the information I need from the order details and the connection we will create when you email me requesting to complete the treatment.

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know
Everything you need to know about booking a distant energy healing treatment with Blissful Light.
Order Process FAQ
Our treatment order process is designed to be comprehensive and support your energy healing treatment.
Above, you can find the complete order process, including additional information on how to prepare for your treatment and what to expect following your treatment.
These are some of the most commonly asked questions.
Appointment scheduling
Once you have ordered your treatment, please email me requesting that I go ahead with your treatment.
Only upon receipt of your email request will I schedule your treatment.
I do not give scheduled times; I want to see your energies as they are. This also allows for better synchronicity - the treatment happens at the most optimal time.
Treatment preperation
On the day of your treatment, please go ahead with your normal daily activities. The only preparation is to set your intention to receive the treatment with the highest outcomes.
Relevant feedback
Once your treatment has been completed, I will email you with relevant feedback. The feedback length will be determined by the type of treatment.
I will give you feedback that your higher self wants you to know now. It may include things like the state of your energies and energy bodies, things to look out for or consider, and anything necessary to know - but it will always be what is needed at that moment.
It is essential to be open to feedback and not prejudge what you want or force outcomes.
Post treatment
The treatment energies will flow in the etheric background for several hours, days, and even weeks.
It is essential to be open to insights and work with anything that needs to be changed. The possible benefits may come about in this time of energetic integration.
Getting as much rest, sleep, and drinking lots of water may be beneficial.